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Audio-Technica AT-LH15H

ID: 188816
Ref: ATLH15H
Disponível desde: 2020-01-15

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Audio-Technica AT-LH15H
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Audio-Technica AT-LH15H

Audio Technica AT-LH15H - Cabeça -


15g adjustable through hole type headshell with OFC lead-wires

  • Aluminum headshell with hard anodized finish reduces unwanted vibration
  • Oxygen Free Copper (OFC) lead-wires for improved audio transmission
  • Non-threaded holes in headshell
  • Available in 3 weights: 13 g (AT-LH13H), 15 g (AT-LH15H), 18 g (AT-LH18H)

AT-LH headshells from Audio-Technica, pioneers of cartridge and headshell technology for over 50 years, can be paired with the next generation of AT-OC9x cartridges and are available in three weights: light(13,) midweight (15) and a higher weighted model (18), to suit the specifications of your tonearm and cartridge.

  • Aluminum headshell with hard anodized finish reduces unwanted vibration
  • Equipped with Oxygen Free Copper (OFC) lead-wires for improved audio transmission
  • Non-threaded holes in headshell fits well with cartridges with threaded holes such as the AT-OC9X series.
  • Adjustable cylinder enables precise azimuth and overhang setting
  • Available in three weights: 13 g (AT-LH13H), 15 g (AT-LH15H), and 18 g (AT-LH18H) for optimal compatibility with your cartridge/tonearm requirements
  • 89€

    IVA incluído.
Entrega estimada até 4 de março.
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(chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

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