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Audio-Technica AT-F2

ID: 188498
Ref: ATF2
Disponível desde: 2019-11-21

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Audio-Technica AT-F2


Moving Coil Cartridge

  • Features our celebrated dual coil design and elliptical stylus
  • Class leading quality of sound and reliability
  • Neodymium magnet is employed for maximum energy
  • PCOCC coil enables purer transmission
  • Power is generated independently for the left and right channels
  • Precision-crafted sturdy aluminium alloy base


Moving Coil Cartridge

With a high-quality sound comparable to more expensive models, the AT-F2 provides outstanding value and performance, which delights those who appreciate the sound quality of analogue records.

Diameter stainless suspension wire
The AT-F2 uses 0.07 mm diameter stainless suspension wire, which serves an important role as a fulcrum point for audio signal transfer. This stainless wire is used for higher quality MC-type cartridges. This stabilises the fulcrum position and enables auditory lateralisation to provide excellent expression of the high-frequency range.
Neodymium magnet for dramatically increased magnetic energy
The neodymium magnet provides maximum energy (BHmax of 50[kJ/m3]), while the pure iron yoke provides excellent magnetic properties. Together, they further boast the magnetic field concentrated in the coil gap area.

PCOCC used for coils and terminal pins
PCOCC does not give rise to crystalline resistance in the transmission direction, enabling
audiophiles to enjoy pure transmissions.
Dual moving coil with high separation and wide response
Our unique moving coil type cartridge has a basic structure where one cylindrical coil is used for the left channel and another is used for the right channel. This structure by which power is generated independently for the left and right channels physically provides outstanding separation characteristics. The leakage of signals from one channel into the other exerts a decisive influence on the stereo expanse as well as on the sound quality. This is because this leakage is tantamount to creating irregular cross modulation. The reason why the dual moving coil system delivers such a clear and finely delineated sound quality is no doubt due to the system’s naturally excellent separation. The AT-F2 features a reverse V-shaped formation for the two left and right coils to reduce the vibration mass as seen from the stylus tip.
Durable construction dedicated to achieving increased rigidity
Using a precision-crafted sturdy aluminium alloy as the base, the body’s structure is made of hard resin which minimises parasitic resonance. This achieves greater rigidity and improves signal-to-noise ratio.


“Excellent expression of the high-frequency range”

The 0.07 mm diameter stainless suspension wire serves an important role as a fulcrum point for audio signal transfer, enabling auditory lateralisation to provide excellent expression of the high-frequency range.

“Outstanding separation characteristics”

The unique structure of our moving coil type cartridges, where power is generated independently for the left and right channels, physically provides outstanding separation characteristics.

  • 189€

    IVA incluído.
Entrega estimada até 9 de abril.
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